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Field 3

Not all of our fields have names, some of them just have numbers!


Field 3 has had a bit of a hard time this season. It was planted with Winter Wheat in the Autumn but unfortunately, one of the wettest winters on record meant it spent a lot of time under water and the wheat sadly rotted away.

So we re-drilled a different variety of wheat which can be planted in the Spring time. Thankfully this has thrived! The downside is this variety won't yield as much grain but it's better than nothing!


This field is also part of an environmental scheme, designed to protect the River Eye and the Burton Brook.  There are large "buffers" of naturally regenerated grassland which act as a barrier preventing soil and fertilisers entering the watercourse.

The field was also part of a project with Trent Rivers Trust to create new habitats along the River Eye. A shallow channel was dug and new trees will also be planted in due course to stabilise the bank.

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